TriNetX, LLC
東京、日本、2024年10月28日 - 新しい治療法の開発を加速するため、臨床研究を推進する医療機関のグローバルネットワークであるTriNetXと独立行政法人奈良県立病院機構 奈良県総合医療センターは、研究の機会を拡大し、より多くの臨床試験を誘致し、医療の質を向上させるため、新たなパートナーシップを確立したことを発表します。
奈良県総合医療センターは、 “医の心と技を最高レベルに磨き、県民の健康を生涯にわたって支え続けます”の理念のもとに、断らない救急の実践と高度急性期医療を確立する奈良県の北部の中核病院です。
TriNetXネットワークのメンバーとして、奈良県総合医療センターはリアルワールドエビデンススタディを実施するためのヘルスケア業界最大のグローバルヘルスリサーチネットワークTriNetX LIVE(TM)プラットフォームにアクセスできます。TriNetX LIVE(TM)は、世界中の研究者が数百の治療分野の臨床試験プロトコールを分析し、世界中のTriNetX医療機関メンバーに数千の臨床試験機会を提供するために利用されています。
About TriNetX, LLC
TriNetXは、実臨床研究を推進し、新治療法の開発を促進することを目的とした、医療機関とライフサイエンス企業のグローバルネットワークです。HIPAA、GDPR、LGPDに準拠したセルフサービスのEHRデータセット連携プラットフォームとコンサルティングパートナーシップを通じて、TriNetXはプロトコールデザインの改善、試験運用の合理化、安全性シグナルの精緻化、実臨床でのエビデンス作成の充実をグローバルコミュニティに提供しています。詳細については、TriNetX をご覧いただくか、LinkedInでTriNetXをフォローしてください。
+1 704.619.9867 (日本語可)
電話番号 0742-46-6001
Nara Prefecture General Medical Center Joins TriNetX Network to Expand Opportunities for Clinical Research and Improve the Quality of Medical Care
Tokyo, Japan, October 28, 2024 - TriNetX, the global network of healthcare organizations driving real-world research to accelerate the development of new therapies, and Incorporated Administrative Agency, Nara Prefectural Hospital Organization, Nara Prefecture General Medical Center announce they have established a new partnership to expand research opportunities, attract more clinical trials and improve the quality of medical care.
Nara Prefecture General Medical Center is a core hospital in the northern part of Nara Prefecture that has established a practice of emergency care that never refuses patients, and advanced acute care based on the philosophy of “refining the spirit and skills of medicine to the highest level and continuing to support the health of prefectural residents throughout their lives.”
Nara Medical Center Director Takeshi Matsuyama said, “By participating in the TriNetX network, we will have more opportunities to participate in research. By utilizing the real-world data provided by TriNetX, we hope to revitalize research activities within the hospital and lead to provide better medical care.”
As a member of the TriNetX network, Nara Prefecture General Medical Center will have access to the TriNetX LIVE(TM) platform - the healthcare industry’s largest global health research network for conducting real-world evidence studies. TriNetX LIVE(TM) is used by researchers around the world to analyze clinical trial protocols across hundreds of therapeutic areas and present thousands of clinical trial opportunities to TriNetX healthcare organization members worldwide.
“We are proud to have Nara Prefecture General Medical Center join the TriNetX network of healthcare organizations,” said Shogo Wakabayshi, Japan Country Manager at TriNetX. “Clinical research plays a pivotal role in advancing medical knowledge and improving patient outcomes. We look forward to enhancing Nara Prefecture General Medical Center’s research capabilities and securing more sponsored trials, ultimately enabling better healthcare delivery.”
The addition of Nara Prefecture General Medical Center to the TriNetX network is one of the latest examples of the company's continued growth in Japan and in the APAC region.
About TriNetX, LLC
TriNetX is a global network of healthcare organizations and life sciences companies dedicated to advancing real-world research and expediting the development of new therapies. Through its self-service, HIPAA-, GDPR- and LGPD-compliant platform of federated deidentified EHR datasets and consulting partnerships, TriNetX empowers its global community to improve protocol design, streamline trial operations, refine safety signals and enrich real-world evidence generation. For more information, please visit TriNetX at or follow TriNetX on LinkedIn.
Media Contact:
Karen Tunks
+1 704.619.9867 (日本語可)
About Nara Prefecture General Medical Center
Nara Prefecture General Medical Center was relocated to Nara City in 2018 and reorganized as a core hospital for providing emergency and advanced acute care. The center has also been working to maintain normal medical care while taking on the treatment of particularly serious patients, in response to the spread of the new coronavirus infection. The center contributes to the regional medical care by focusing on emergency, perinatal, cancer, pediatric, diabetes, mental health, disaster medicine, and infectious disease. In particular, in emergency medicine, the hospital aims to improve the survival rate of critically ill patients by strengthening its admission system, and in cancer treatment, it promotes highly difficult surgeries and advanced treatments. In addition, by focusing on collaboration with local medical institutions and the training of medical personnel, and by thoroughly providing patient-centered medical care, the hospital aims to continue to fulfill its role as a core hospital that is trusted by the local community.
Media Contact:
Nara Prefecture General Medical Center
Corporate Planning and TQM Office
TEL : +81-742-46-6001
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