


難治・希少疾患*治療薬の開発に注力した創薬ベンチャーである株式会社ジェクスヴァル(代表取締役社長:加藤珠蘭、所在地:神奈川県藤沢市)は、このたび第三者割当増資により、総額約4.5億円を調達したことをお知らせ致します。 (English follows)

今回の増資の目的は、豪州で実施している第I相試験のマイルストーン達成を受けて、新たな適応症でパイプラインを追加し、開発の加速と、候補化合物の価値と事業の拡大を実現するためになります。本Cラウンドでは、新たにアクシル・キャピタル、UTC インベストメント (ソウル、韓国)、大分ベンチャーキャピタルやその他新規投資家の参加に加え、既存投資家である三菱UFJキャピタル、SMBCベンチャーキャピタルが参画しております。



当社、代表取締役社長(創業者)である加藤珠蘭博士は、「国内外の患者団体、お医者様方、投資家ほか幅広い皆様からの継続的なご支援、感謝申し上げます。希少疾患*は、全世界で4億人の患者がいるとされますが、わずか5%にしか治療薬がありません**。わたしたちは、製薬業界に眠る良質な薬の原石の隠れたポテンシャルを、AIを活用した独自の技術で掘り起こし、効率的に臨床開発を行うことで高い生産性を実現し、必要とするみなさんが利用できるくすりの創出と、持続可能なサーキュラー・エコノミー型の創薬モデルの確立を目指しています。Purposed to Repurpose(R). 誰ひとり取り残されることがないよう、革新的な新薬を一日も早く届けることが私たちの使命であり、希少疾患*と向き合う患者さんとそのご家族にとって大切なことと考えています。」と述べています。

- 欧州 Orphanet https://www.orpha.net/consor/cgi-bin/index.php
- 米国 NORD https://rarediseases.org/about/
- 日本 厚生労働省 希少疾病用医薬品政策ページより 医薬品医療機器法第77条の2 https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/seisakunitsuite/bunya/0000068484.html
- 難病情報センター https://www.nanbyou.or.jp/
**: PhRMA, 2022, A Decade of Innovation in Rare Diseasesより

アクシル・キャピタル https://www.axilcapital.com/inquiries
三菱UFJキャピタル 企画部 03-5205-8581
大分ベンチャーキャピタル 097-543-1919 (電話) 097-543-9191 (Fax)
SMBCベンチャーキャピタル infovc@smbc-vc.co.jp
UTC インベストメント utc@utc.co.kr
株式会社ジェクスヴァル info@gexval.com

GEXVal Completed the Close of New Funding Round with JPY 450 Million (USD 3 Million)

GEXVal Inc. (President & CEO: Juran Kato, Kanagawa, Japan), a clinical stage biotech company focused on the research and development of drugs for rare and intractable diseases, announces the closing of a C Investment Round with JPY 450 million. The new investment comes from Axil Capital, UTC Investment (Seoul, Korea), Oita Venture Capital as new investors along with existing investors Mitsubishi UFJ Capital and SMBC Venture Capital. Proceeds from this funding round will be used to accelerate the lead clinical program and add to the development pipeline.

"We are very pleased to participate in GEXVal's efforts to find new treatments for rare diseases. It is challenging for major pharmaceutical companies to engage in early development in rare diseases. GEXVal's approach to identify promising assets from major pharmaceutical companies and seek to develop them, is hugely important for patients and families living with rare diseases. We have great confidence in the GEXVal team and look forward to successful delivery of new treatment options for patients with rare diseases" commented Dr. Akihisa Seita of Axil Capital.

“We are a venture capital based in Seoul, Korea, investing tech companies across Asian countries and globally. We focus on building internal competency and securing additional growth opportunities through active value-up activities in such sectors as bio/healthcare, life-style and IT/semiconductor. We are very pleased to contribute to the strengthening of the healthcare ecosystem in Korea and Japan through this investment.” says Mr. Seayeon Kim, CEO of UTC Investment.

“It is estimated that over 400 million patients, worldwide suffer from rare diseases*. However, only 5% of them have access to medicines**. Our approach is to uncover the hidden value of drug candidates using our unique AI-based technologies and quickly progress to early clinical development, deploying a highly productive drug discovery model to achieve a sustainable circular economy. We are Purposed to Repurpose(R) shelved pharma industry assets and committed to deliver affordable, innovative medicines and improve Access to Medicine for patients with rare and intractable diseases. We are very grateful for the continuous support from patient advocacy groups, medical professionals and investors across the globe" says Dr. Juran Kato, President and CEO and also co-founder of the Company.

*Rare disease: Definition varies between countries.
- Japan (<50,000、<4 in 10,000, with population of 128 Million)
-- MHLW https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/seisakunitsuite/bunya/0000068484.html
-- Japan Intractable Disease Information Center https://www.nanbyou.or.jp/
-US (<200,000、<6.37 in 10,000 with population of 1400 Million)
--NORD https://rarediseases.org/about/
- EU (<250,000、<5 in 10,000 with population of 514 Million)
-- Orphanet https://www.orpha.net/consor/cgi-bin/index.php

**: PhRMA, 2022, A Decade of Innovation in Rare Diseases

For further information:
Axil Capital https://www.axilcapital.com/inquiries-en
Mitsubishi UFJ Capital https://www.mucap.co.jp/english/
Oita Venture Capital https://www.oita-vc.co.jp/contact/ (contents only available in Japanese)
SMBC Venture Capital https://www.smbc-vc.co.jp/contact/ (contents only available in Japanese)
UTC Investment http://utc.co.kr/main_e/sub/contact.html
GEXVal Inc. info@gexval.com

End of document.
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