


沖縄科学技術大学大学院(OIST)客員研究員エリセーバ オリガ(以下オリガ)が代表取締役を務めるHerLifeLab株式会社(本社:沖縄県国頭郡、以下当社)は、更年期症状に悩む女性のためオンライン診療サービス「女性のためのマイドクター ビバエル」を2023年12月11日(月)より提供開始いたします。 また、当社はシードラウンドにおいてインキュベイトファンド、ライフタイムベンチャーズらを引受先とした、6千万円の第三者割当増資を実施いたしました。今回調達した資金で、これまでにない更年期ケア体験を構築し、更年期症状に悩む女性に適切な医療提供を目指して参ります。

更年期オンライン診療サービス 「女性のためのマイドクター ビバエル」について

「更年期=我慢するもの」と考え、誰にも相談せず不調を抱えたまま、仕事や育児に多忙な日々を送る女性が少なくありません。女性のためのマイドクター「ビバエル」は、更年期専門のオンライン婦人科診療サービスです。メノポーズコンシェルジュ(更年期専門の看護師や助産師)が、ゲスト (患者様) との対話を通じて心と体の状態を丁寧にカウンセリングし、医師の診察、処方、処方薬のお届けまでを一気通貫で行います。


更年期専門の医療従事者があなたの体調を理解し、一緒に原因を考える時間を過ごします。メノポーズコンシェルジュはゲスト (患者様) の身体と心の変化をじっくり理解し、ゆらぎを乗り越えるためのケアプランを一緒に考えていきます。




定期メンテナンスプラン:8,900円 / 月


エリセーバオリガ(創業者 代表取締役CEO)

大塚響子(共同創業者 取締役COO)
東京工業大学大学院 修士課程修了。NTTドコモベンチャーズ米国シリコンバレー拠点にてスタートアップへの投資、協業の推進を実行。(株) RevCommでアライアンス責任者として従事。

高宮城直子(共同創業者 メディカルアドバイザー、ビバエル監修医師)
佐賀医科大学(現 佐賀大学医学部)卒業。同大学産婦人科教室入局。糸数病院・アメリカ合衆国コーネル大学医学部生殖医学センター留学。Naoko女性クリニック開院。







【投資家コメント】 インキュベイトファンド Paul Mclnerney氏

【投資家コメント】ライフタイムベンチャーズ 木村 亮介氏
更年期領域は、そのアンメットメディカルニーズの大きさは認知されながらも医療技術やケア体制の整備には遅れがあり、長年そのしわ寄せを患者/消費者が被る構図が続いてきました。この大きな課題に挑むHerLifeLab、特にOIST出身起業家であるオリガさんの挑戦を後押しできること、心から嬉しく思います。世界5大長寿地域 “ブルーゾーン”の沖縄から、世界に届くフェムサイエンス事業を!

所在地:沖縄県国頭郡恩納村字谷茶 1919-1 OIST Innovation インキュベータ
事業内容:フェムサイエンス事業 (エビデンスに基づく女性の健康を改善する商品の開発、医療サービスの企画・システム開発)


HerLifeLab Inc., led by OIST visiting researcher Eliseva Olga, will launch an online medical service for menopausal women, "My Doctor Vivalle," starting from December 11, 2023. Additionally, the company has successfully raised 60 million yen in seed round funding from Incubate Fund and Lifetime Ventures.

About My Doctor Vivalle

Recognizing that menopause is often associated with enduring symptoms without seeking advice, especially for women juggling busy lives with work and childcare, Vivalle aims to provide specialized gynecological care for menopause. Menopause concierges, specialized nurses or midwives, conduct thorough counseling sessions, followed by comprehensive medical examinations, prescriptions, and delivery of prescribed medications. The physicians are experienced gynecologists, ensuring personalized medical care for each individual.

Key Features:

Individualized Care: Experts spend up to 50 minutes to understand the guest's health condition and collaboratively consider the underlying causes. Menopause concierges carefully comprehend changes in the guest's body and mind, devising a care plan to overcome fluctuations.

Choice of Medications from Western and Eastern Medicine: Knowledgeable doctors, experienced in both Western and Eastern medicine, propose optimal treatments from various options, including hormone replacement therapy and Japanese Kampo.

All-Virtual Clinic with Zero Waiting Time: Online consultations are available from the initial visit, allowing even busy individuals to receive medical care during spare moments.

Home Delivery of Medications within a Few Days: Medications are sent to the guest's home, ensuring convenient access to treatment for those with hectic schedules.

Pricing Plans:
Symptom Assessment Plan: 2,900 yen
Doctor Consultation Plan: 5,550 yen
Comprehensive Care Plan: 12,000 yen
[Yearly] Regular Maintenance Plan: 8,900 yen per month


Eliseva Olga (Founder, CEO): Visiting researcher at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST). Born in Belarus and after graduating from Belarusian State Medical University, worked as a physician at the National Institute of Blood. Came to Japan in 1996, completed her PhD at Osaka University, and engaged in cancer immunology research at OIST and the RIKEN Institute.

Kyoko Otsuka (Co-founder, COO): Master's degree from the Tokyo Institute of Technology Graduate School. Previously involved in startup investment and collaboration promotion at NTT Docomo Ventures' Silicon Valley branch and served as Alliance Manager at RevComm.

Naoko Takamiyagi (Medical Advisor, Supervising Physician at Vivalle): Obstetrician-gynecologist, women's healthcare specialist, menopause counselor. Graduated from Saga Medical University (currently Saga University School of Medicine) and completed a residency at the university's obstetrics and gynecology department. Studied at Cornell University Medical College's Reproductive Medicine Center in the United States.


The inception of Vivalle traces back to Olga's personal struggle in seeking support during her menopausal period in Japan. Experiencing severe hot flashes at the age of 44, she faced challenges in receiving proper assistance. After multiple attempts, a compassionate doctor finally spent an hour listening and empathizing, leading to a sense of relief. To address the lack of accessible and comprehensive menopausal healthcare, HerLifeLab developed a specialized medical service. The company aims to utilize insights and data gathered during service provision to advance research on women's health and contribute to creating a society where women can continue to challenge themselves across generations.

Investor Comments:

Paul Mclnerney, Incubate Fund: "From the initial stages of discussing the business concept, I was drawn to Olga's vision of solving the challenges faced by women during menopause in Japan and around the world. Improving the treatment accessibility for women experiencing menopausal disorders in Japan can have a significant impact on the economy."

Ryosuke Kimura, Lifetime Ventures: "The menopausal field has long suffered from a lack of medical technology and care infrastructure, leaving patients and consumers bearing the brunt of these issues. We are delighted to support HerLifeLab in tackling this significant challenge, especially with Olga-san, an OIST alum, leading the charge. From Okinawa, one of the world's five major longevity regions, we look forward to the global reach of FemScience business!"

[About HerLifeLab]
Company Name: HerLifeLab Inc.
Location: OIST Innovation Incubator, 1919-1 Yana, Onna Village, Kunigami District, Okinawa Prefecture
CEO: Elisseeva Olga
Established: May 2022
Business: FemScience business (Development of evidence-based products to improve women's health, planning and system development of medical services)
Company Website: https://herlifelab.com
Recruitment Website:https://www.notion.so/HerLifeLab-Recruiting-80b5706cfe4744bdbf08ef90f068b311
Contact: pr@herlifelab.com
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