第一種医療機器製造業許可業者としてDMAHサービスを展開している株式会社ICSTは、新たに体外診断用医薬品のDMAHサービスを展開する。 医療機器で培った薬機法規制製品流通経験を活かし、医療機器と同様のワンストップサービス(薬事申請および製造販売だけでなく製造(国内最終保管)まで1社で完結するサービス)を提供する。
ICST:Launching of MAH/DMAH Services for IVD
ICST Corporation has launched In Vitro Diagnostics (IVD) Market Authorization Holder (MAH, “Seihan”) and Designated Marketing Authorization Holder (DMAH, “Sennin Seihan”) Services.
Celebrating the 20th anniversary of its founding, we, ICST Corporation are thrilled to announce that we have obtained Market Authorization Holder (MAH) license for IVD products in October 2023 and are ready to enter the field. Now, we have added IVD products to our regulatory services scope.
We will be leveraging our experience and know-how that we have accumulated over the years in regulatory services for medical devices.
【Summary of the services】
In order to launch IVD products in Japan, the IVD products must first be registered with the authority via MAH licensed company (also known as “MAH company”). If you do not have a local MAH company, you can designate an existing MAH company like us to handle the regulatory process of the products for you (also known as “DMAH company”).
By utilizing our regulatory services, you can enter the Japanese market with a low initial investment compared to setting up your own local company from the start. Our services are as follows.
【Regulatory Services】
After making application dossier based on the product’s technical documents received from you, we will submit it to the authority (PMDA or Notified Body). The authority will then inspect the dossier before granting approval to the products.
ICST provide comprehensive support, from medical device eligibility confirmation, making all application dossiers, and communication with the authority during application review process until the product is approved
【QMS and GVP Management after Product Launch】
After products are launched on the market, ICST, as a DMAH will conduct domestic quality and safety control management as stipulated by various ministerial ordinances regarding medical devices and IVDs.
In the event of a change in the approved product’s contents, we will advise you on how to proceed with the change and appropriately handle the regulatory procedures to make the change.
【Logistics and Inspection Services】
Under the PMD Act (Act on Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices), documentation at the time of IVD products importation must be submitted by DMAH to customs through a customs broker.
After importation, the products are considered semi-finished products and must first undergo inspections (packaging and labeling, visual inspection, and other necessary verification etc. specified for each product) conducted and recorded by a domestic manufacturing facility that has IVD Manufacturing License. The products can finally be distributed to the market after the final market release judgement by the DMAH.
ICST do not only handle import procedures as DMAH (preparing necessary documents, submitting them to customs brokers, handling inquiries from customs, etc.), but can also perform necessary inspections on imported products at our own or our partner’s licensed manufacturing facilities, and ship them to designated locations, or store them until shipment as needed, regardless of the volume*.
*Discussion needed.
In addition to the above DMAH services, we also provide MAH services to the local IVD manufacturers.
代表者:代表取締役社長 横井博之
所在地:(本社) さいたま市中央区上落合5-17-1 S-4タワー
【Company Profile】
Company name: ICST Corporation
CEO : Hiroyuki Yokoi
Location: 2nd Floor, S4 Tower,5-17-1 Kamiochiai, Chuo-ku Saitama-shi, Saitama, JAPAN
Established:June 2004
Business contents: (1) Medical devices & home healthcare products trading and IVD products sales
(2) Planning and development of medical devices & home healthcare products
(3) Regulatory services for medical devices and IVD products
薬事申請部 担当宛
【Contact Us】
Regulatory Affairs Department
第一種医療機器製造業許可業者としてDMAHサービスを展開している株式会社ICSTは、新たに体外診断用医薬品のDMAHサービスを展開する。 医療機器で培った薬機法規制製品流通経験を活かし、医療機器と同様のワンストップサービス(薬事申請および製造販売だけでなく製造(国内最終保管)まで1社で完結するサービス)を提供する。
ICST:Launching of MAH/DMAH Services for IVD
ICST Corporation has launched In Vitro Diagnostics (IVD) Market Authorization Holder (MAH, “Seihan”) and Designated Marketing Authorization Holder (DMAH, “Sennin Seihan”) Services.
Celebrating the 20th anniversary of its founding, we, ICST Corporation are thrilled to announce that we have obtained Market Authorization Holder (MAH) license for IVD products in October 2023 and are ready to enter the field. Now, we have added IVD products to our regulatory services scope.
We will be leveraging our experience and know-how that we have accumulated over the years in regulatory services for medical devices.
【Summary of the services】
In order to launch IVD products in Japan, the IVD products must first be registered with the authority via MAH licensed company (also known as “MAH company”). If you do not have a local MAH company, you can designate an existing MAH company like us to handle the regulatory process of the products for you (also known as “DMAH company”).
By utilizing our regulatory services, you can enter the Japanese market with a low initial investment compared to setting up your own local company from the start. Our services are as follows.
【Regulatory Services】
After making application dossier based on the product’s technical documents received from you, we will submit it to the authority (PMDA or Notified Body). The authority will then inspect the dossier before granting approval to the products.
ICST provide comprehensive support, from medical device eligibility confirmation, making all application dossiers, and communication with the authority during application review process until the product is approved
【QMS and GVP Management after Product Launch】
After products are launched on the market, ICST, as a DMAH will conduct domestic quality and safety control management as stipulated by various ministerial ordinances regarding medical devices and IVDs.
In the event of a change in the approved product’s contents, we will advise you on how to proceed with the change and appropriately handle the regulatory procedures to make the change.
【Logistics and Inspection Services】
Under the PMD Act (Act on Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices), documentation at the time of IVD products importation must be submitted by DMAH to customs through a customs broker.
After importation, the products are considered semi-finished products and must first undergo inspections (packaging and labeling, visual inspection, and other necessary verification etc. specified for each product) conducted and recorded by a domestic manufacturing facility that has IVD Manufacturing License. The products can finally be distributed to the market after the final market release judgement by the DMAH.
ICST do not only handle import procedures as DMAH (preparing necessary documents, submitting them to customs brokers, handling inquiries from customs, etc.), but can also perform necessary inspections on imported products at our own or our partner’s licensed manufacturing facilities, and ship them to designated locations, or store them until shipment as needed, regardless of the volume*.
*Discussion needed.
In addition to the above DMAH services, we also provide MAH services to the local IVD manufacturers.
代表者:代表取締役社長 横井博之
所在地:(本社) さいたま市中央区上落合5-17-1 S-4タワー
【Company Profile】
Company name: ICST Corporation
CEO : Hiroyuki Yokoi
Location: 2nd Floor, S4 Tower,5-17-1 Kamiochiai, Chuo-ku Saitama-shi, Saitama, JAPAN
Established:June 2004
Business contents: (1) Medical devices & home healthcare products trading and IVD products sales
(2) Planning and development of medical devices & home healthcare products
(3) Regulatory services for medical devices and IVD products
薬事申請部 担当宛
【Contact Us】
Regulatory Affairs Department
(2024/03/04 09:53)
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